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Staff 教職員

List of Interviews || 2024/7 updated

秋澤 淳 > rmap
(BASE123) 生物システム応用科学府長 Dean of Grad. School BASE (2021-23)
Dr. Atsushi Akisawa > Interview | 熱の多段階利用,熱駆動ヒートポンプ,分散型電力システム,太陽エネルギーCogeneration systems; Heat-driven refrigerators; Waste heat, Solar energy & Heat collecting devices.
池上 貴志 > rmap
>>Group. (BASE -128)
Dr. Takashi Ikegami
Energy Management; System analysis methods; Simulation.
銭 衛華 rmap
>>Group (#1 -115)
Dr. Eika W. Qian
Catalysts; Conversion for energy-materials: Biofuel & biomaterials from biomass; Hydrocarbons; Vegetable oil
伏見 千尋 rmap
>>Group (#4 -322)
Dr. Chihiro Fushimi > Interview | 火力・バイオマス発電、プロセス設計、省エネルギー、流動化技術、熱分解・ガス化Thermochemical conversion for carbon-based resources; Flow/Reaction analysis of fluidized-bed.
長津 雄一郎 rmap
*Ex. JST-Presto Researcher >>Group. (#4 -317) Head of Department
Dr. Yuichiro Nagatsu > Interview | 反応流、反応輸送現象Liquid phase reactive flow; Environment & energy applications.
神谷 秀博 rmap
(Retired 2024/3) Teaching-Professor
Dr. Hidehiro Kamiya > Interview | 微粒子の表面間相互作用の評価と設計 Book: 基礎粉体工学Structure/surface of fine particles. 2020-24: TUAT Executive Vice-President 理事副学長
嘉治 寿彦 rmap
>>Group (#4 -420)
Dr. Toshihiko Kaji > Interview | 有機薄膜太陽電池、有機半導体、単結晶や薄膜Electronic & optical properties of semiconductor; Organic thin film solar cells; Crystallinity
桜井 誠 rmap
>>Group (#4 -319)
Dr. Makoto Sakurai
Process Intensification; Microchemical processes; Sustainable energy conversion;
大橋 秀伯 rmap
(#4 -318)
Dr. Hidenori Ohashi > Interview | 移動物性、デバイス・システム設計、膜・分離技術Molecular motions; Mobility properties; Separation technology; Membranes.
山下 善之 rmap
>>Group (#13 -804)
Dr. Yoshiyuki Yamashita
プロセス制御, プロセスモニタリング, 人工知能, プロセスシステム工学, 化学プラントのスマート化
“Smart” chemical industry; Efficiency & safety; Operation & control of chemical plants; AI
北島 禎二 rmap
(#1 -1F)
Dr. Teiji Kitajima
Process Systems Engineering, Production Scheduling, Process Safety Management
金 尚弘 rmap
(#4 -316) 2021/3
Dr. Sanghong Kim
Process modeling, design, monitoring, control & optim ization; Manufacturing data.
神谷 憲児 rmap
(#1 -1F) (2022/4)
Dr. Kenji Kamiya
二酸化炭素回収・有効利用, ケミカルルーピング、有機金属化学、複素環化学
Carbon capture and utilization; Chemical-looping; CO2–CO Conversion
徳山 英昭 rmap
>>Group (#1 -215)
Dr. Hideaki Tokuyama
Polymer gels; Energy/ Environmental/Pharmaceutical-processes; Adsorptive separation, Catalyst carriers, Drug-release.
滝山 博志 rmap
Book: 晶析 (BASE -229)
Dr. Hiroshi Takiyama > Interview | 工業晶析操作、操作設計、医薬品・食品Crystallization operations; Pharmaceuticals & Foods.
*Ex. Vice-Dean (Eng.) 2019-20. 1st Dept. Head
甘利 俊太朗 rmap
Dr. Shuntaro Amari
Heterogeneous Interface Engineering
稲澤 晋 rmap
>> Group (BASE-232)
Dr. Susumu Inasawa
Kinetics of film formation; Coating & drying; Gas-phase reactions.
香取 浩子 rmap
>> Group (#4 -508)
Dr. Hiroko Aruga-Katori > Interview-1 | Interview-2 | 磁性物質の秩序化(相転移)、スピン、結晶格子、電荷の量子もつれOrdering (phase transition) of magnetic materials; Entanglement of spins, crystal lattices, electric charges.
原口 祐哉 rmap
JST “Sakigake” Presto (2023-) (#4 -5F) (2019/3)
Dr. Yuya Haraguchi
Kitaev Materials, Quantum Materials, Condensed Matter Physics, Solid State Chemistry
畠山 温 rmap
>>Group (#4 -437) 工学部放射線研究室長
Dr. Atsushi Hatakeyama > Interview | 原子,レーザー分光,表面,スピン, 量子計測 | Book: 量子力学 Interaction of spin polarized gas atoms with light, atoms, solid surfaces; Physics/Electrical engineering/Materials Science; Quantum measurement.
浅川 寛太 rmap
(#4 -4F) 2019/10
Dr. Kanta Asakawa
Thin film & Surface interface properties
箕田 弘喜 rmap
(#4 -509) 2023-: 学術研究支援総合センター長 / 機器分析施設長
Dr. Hiroki Minoda
透過型電子顕微鏡の開発, ナノ材料の機能と構造, 生体高分子
Development of Transmission Electron Microscopy; Functions & structures of nanomaterials; Biopolymers
宮地 悟代 rmap
>>Group (#4 -536)
Dr. Godai Miyaji
レーザー加工, 非線形光学,
Femtosecond laser processing,
Nonlinear optics, Laser engineering, Nanomaterials
室尾 和之 rmap
(#4 -532) 
Dr. Kazuyuki Muroo
光の性質, レーザー分光
Light properties; Quantum teleportation.
森下 義隆 rmap
(Retired 2024/3) Teaching-Professor
Dr. Yoshitaka Morishita
Photonics, quantum properties, semiconductors; Transparent conductive materials; Nonvolatile memory. 
清水 俊樹 @tuatDr. Toshiki Shimizu
セルロース, ナノ結晶, 透過型電子顕微鏡
Imaging, Molecular Motion, TEM (#4 -5F) 2022/4-
蓮見 真彦 rmap
学習支援室 (#5 -210)
Dr. Masahiko Hasumi
電子デバイス、電子機器 , 電気電子材料工学
Electronics/electrical materials engineering.
サトリア ビスリ rmap
>>Group (#New-1 -N311) 2022/10
Dr. Satria Z. Bisri
Colloidal quantum dots, nanomaterials, charge transport, energy storage, field-effect transistors
清水 大雅 rmap
>>Group (#New-1, N313B) Deputy Head of Department
Dr. Hiromasa Shimizu > Interview | スピントロニクス, 半導体光電子デバイス, 磁気光学, 光波解析, 環境計測(ガスセンサ)Spintronics; Optical Isolators; Optical Integrated Circuits; Biosensors & gas sensors.
W. レンゴロ rmap
>>Group (BASE-224) テニュアトラック推進機構長、工学府システム化学工学専修長
Dr. Wuled Lenggoro > Interview-1 | -2 | 微粒子, 移動現象, 環境技術, 生物システムParticle Technology; Transport Processes (mass/heat/fluid); Environment; Biosystems
寺田 昭彦 rmap
(#4 -320) 工学府産業技術専攻長
Dr. Akihiko Terada > Interview |
排水処理・資源回収, バイオリアクタ, メタン酸化細菌, 生物学的窒素除去
Bioprocess; Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; Microbial; Water treatment
利谷 翔平 rmap
(#4 -321)
Dr. Shohei Riya
Waste resources; Fertilizer, Methane fermentation, Soil, Carbonization, Greenhouse gas.
黒岩 恵 rmap
(#4 -3F) 2020/4
Dr. Megumi Kuroiwa
硝化微生物, 窒素循環
Stable isotope tracers; Nitrifying microorganisms; Nitrogen cycle
鮫島 俊之 rmap
(Retired 2021/3) Teaching-Professor
Dr. Toshiyuki Sameshima
Electronics Device Engineering
陳 奕廷 rmap
(#12 -312)
Dr. Yiting Chen
Division of Language & Culture Studies 言語文化科学部門
石塚 政行 rmap
(#12 -XXX) 2023-
Dr. Masayuki Ishizuka
Division of Language & Culture Studies 言語文化科学部門
塚田 まゆみ rmap
(BASE -225)
Dr. Mayumi TsukadaTechnological staff (reemployed) 再雇用職員(技術専門員)
坂内 香穂子Kahoko SakauchiAdministrative Assistant 事務室(職員)(#4 -133)

Former staffs (2019-2023):

Dr. Yukiko Mori 森 祐希子 (Language & Culture Studies 言語文化科学部門) -2023/3 researchmap

Dr. Shohei Yamashita 山下 翔平(2022/4-2023/3) researchmap

Dr. Hiroyuki Tominaga (技術専門職員-2021/12) researchmap

Dr. Yohei Okada >> Institute of Agriculture TUAT 農学研究院 researchmap

Dr. Genki Horiguchi >> Researcher, AIST 産業技術総合研究所 researchmap

Dr. Lingyu Men >> Nagoya Inst. Technology >> Chinese Academy of Science 中国科学院. researchmap

Another site: Introduction of research groups: 研究室紹介(大学サイト)