沈殿反応による不安定対流 Physics & chemistry of fluid(文責: 学部生MK)

この研究は将来、少ない量の石油を採掘出来るため、地球温暖化対策に役立ちます。The precipitation-type chemical reaction was though suppressing the flow in the porous medium. It was demonstrated that there was potential to cause a convection unstable in a fluid.


細胞を高圧ジェットで破壊、原子間力顕微鏡で分析 Disrupting cells with high-pressure jets then analysis by Atomic Force Microscopy (文責: 学部4年MI)

本アプローチは、殺菌効率を向上させる必要がある食品科学、衛生工学の分野に適用することができます。This approach may be applied to the fields of food science and sanitary engineering where bactericidal efficiency needs to be improved.
