Red fishing boat sailing

Class (2022) 1年生のプロジェクト。毎日、芋と魚を食べれば輸入品に頼らずに済むが、、If we ate potatoes and fish every day, we wouldn’t have to depend on imports

Example of a Project-type class for 1st year students (Basic Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering: Project Exercise) Food Circulation and its Material Flow (case study)


化学工学会賞 The Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan Award ( 神谷秀博 ) Dr. Hidehiro Kamiya

池田亀三郎記念賞 Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan Award. 微粒子,ナノ粒子の界面構造設計による粒子間相互作用の制御 Controlling particle-particle interactions by designing the interfacial structure of fine particles and nanoparticles.
