Stem cutting delivers particles to plants! 茎切断による植物への微粒子輸送、新たな方法

ナノ粒子だけでなくサブミクロン粒子も輸送可能 🍅 トマトだけでなく他の食物作物にも適用可能

Stem Cutting: A Novel Route for Delivering Sub- and Micrometer-Scale Particles to Plants
= This method bypasses size (40nm) limitations and holds promise for diverse applications in agriculture and biotechnology.

🌱 Published in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology) 欧州植物生物学会連合の学会誌. 


  • 茎切断により、ナノ粒子だけでなくサブミクロン粒子も植物に輸送できることを初めて示した Stem cutting/sectioning was used to demonstrate, for the first time, that submicron particles, in addition to nanoparticles, can be transported into plants.
  • 35日齢のトマトの苗木を対象とした実験で、粒子の蓄積や根の形成が確認された Experiments with 35-day-old tomato seedlings confirmed the accumulation of particles and the formation of roots.
  • トマトだけでなく他の食物作物にも適用可能 This method is applicable to other food crops in addition to tomatoes.

Stem cutting: A novel introduction site for transporting water-insoluble particles into tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seedlings 茎切り:水不溶性粒子をトマト苗木に輸送するための新しい導入部位, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Authors: Anca Awal Sembada, Toshiyuki Fukuhara, Takeshi Suzuki and I. Wuled Lenggoro

Chemical Engineering Program, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)(応用化学専攻); School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia(バンドン工科大学・生命理工学院); Department of Applied Biological Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, TUAT(農学部・応用生物科学科); Graduate School of Bio-Applications & Systems Engineering, TUAT(生物システム応用科学府); Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, TUAT(化学物理工学科

The introduction of exogenous particles into plants has promising applications in agriculture and biotechnology. Nanoparticles can be transported into plants through foliar application or root uptake. However, both methods have limitations in terms of the size of the particles (<40 nm) that can be transported due to the barriers of the cell wall and cuticle. In the present study, we proposed a novel method to deliver particles of up to 110 nm into plants by cutting the stem of tomato seedlings. We demonstrated for the first time, using water-insoluble silica colloids, that not only nanoparticles but also submicron particles can be transported toward the leaves when the plant stem is used as the entry point of particles. Thirty-five-day-old tomato seedlings were used as the target plants. When the cut stem seedlings were immersed in the colloidal particle suspension for up to 24 hours, significant particle accumulation was observed in the nodes and leaves. The relatively low particle concentrations (10 mg/L) allowed effective transport throughout the plants. Silica particles with average diameters of 10 nm and 110 nm were both well transported and moved through the stem. Even after the particles entered the plant, adventitious roots were formed, resulting in the formation of whole plants with roots, stems, and leaves. This method can be applied not only to tomatoes but also to other food crops for various applications in plant biotechnology.

外来粒子を植物に導入することは、農業やバイオテクノロジーにおいて有望な応用を持っています。ナノ粒子は、葉面散布または根からの吸収により植物に輸送することができます。しかし、これらの方法は、細胞壁と表皮の障壁のために輸送できる粒子のサイズ(<40 nm)に制限があります。本研究では、トマトの苗木の茎を切ることにより、最大110 nmの粒子を植物に運ぶ新しい方法を提案しました。我々は、水不溶性のシリカコロイドを用いて、初めて、ナノ粒子だけでなく、サブミクロン粒子も植物の茎を粒子の入口として使用すると葉に向かって輸送できることを示しました。35日齢のトマトの苗木を対象植物として使用しました。切断した茎の苗木をコロイド粒子懸濁液に最大24時間浸すと、節と葉に顕著な粒子の蓄積が観察されました。比較的低い粒子濃度(10 mg/L)は、植物全体に効果的な輸送を可能にしました。平均直径10 nmおよび110 nmのシリカ粒子は、どちらも茎を通じてよく輸送され、移動しました。粒子が植物に入った後も、不定根が形成され、根、茎、葉を持つ全植物が形成されました。この方法は、トマトだけでなく、他の食物作物にも適用でき、植物バイオテクノロジーのさまざまな応用に利用できます。


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