Seminar: カーボンニュートラル時代のエネルギー (2023/12/19) Energy in the Carbon Neutral Era

illuminated city at night

テーマ カーボンニュートラル時代のエネルギー
日 時 12月19日(火) 4限(14:45~16:15)
場 所 講義棟 L0026教室(定員317)
講 師 電源開発(株)茅ヶ崎研究所 特任研究員 鳥羽瀬 孝臣


  1. 温暖化の原因と影響
  2. エネルギーとCO2排出量の現状
  3. 脱炭素技術の動向
  4. 日本の2050年の電源構成
  5. 質疑応答・意見交換

問い合わせ先 gmiyaji (@)

Content: Causes and effects of global warming; Current status of energy and CO2 emissions; Trends in decarbonization technology; Japan’s 2050 power supply configuration

(Lecturer’s comment) Climate change caused by global warming has become a real threat and the biggest challenge facing humanity, as it leads to large-scale natural disasters. The main cause of global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, to prevent (mitigate) global warming, it is necessary to suppress CO2 emissions and achieve carbon neutrality (CO2 emissions are virtually zero = decarbonization) by 2050 to achieve the 1.5°C target.
On the other hand, in Japan, which is poor in energy resources, the basic principle of energy policy is to prioritize stable energy supply. Especially, the importance of energy stability has increased due to the sharp rise in oil and gas prices caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
I would like to provide you with the necessary information to consider what should be done to balance stable energy supply and decarbonization, and I hope it will be helpful for you to consider your future career.


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