石けんの泡層への水の浸透現象の実験と数理モデル Experimental and Mathematical Model of Water Penetration into Soap Foam Layer


A Simple Mathematical Model to Explain and Predict the Phenomenon of Water Permeation into the “Soap Bubble Layer – Expectations for Efficient Transport of Dirt in the Bubble Layer

釣谷佳乃子(大学院修了生)と稲澤晋准教授は、石けんなどの界面活性剤と水でできる泡層に水が自発的に浸透する現象を観察し、泡の大きさや界面活性剤の種類によらずに浸透現象を簡易な数理モデルで説明できることを明らかにしました。これまでは、複雑な偏微分方程式や、水が浸透した程度に応じて物理モデルを使い分ける必要があり、泡層への水の浸透現象を簡易に表現する方法がありませんでした。この成果により、泡層内部で起こる複雑な流れの理解が一層進展し、効率的に汚れを除去する泡の開発にもつながることが期待されます。Kanoko Tsuritani (a graduate student) and Associate Professor Susumu Inazawa observed the spontaneous penetration of water into a foam layer formed by a surfactant such as soap and water, and clarified that the penetration phenomenon can be explained by a simple mathematical model regardless of the size of the foam or the type of surfactant. Until now, it has been necessary to use complicated partial differential equations and different physical models depending on the degree of water penetration, and there has been no simple way to describe the phenomenon of water penetration into a foam layer. This achievement is expected to further advance the understanding of the complex flow that occurs inside the foam layer and lead to the development of foam that efficiently removes dirt.

詳細 Detail: RSC Advances (2021) Scaling law for the kinetics of water imbibition in polydisperse foams. (Kanoko Tsuritani, Susumu Inasawa) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/ra/d1ra06392h