固体粒子で覆った油滴は硬い?軟らかい?Are oil droplets covered with solid particles hard? Soft?

本研究は、イオン濃度を用いれば水と油の界面の硬さだけではなく、油滴の合一のしやすさも制御できることを示しており、油滴の安定性増加、あるいは不安定性の増加を意図的に行う手法の開発につながると期待されます。This study shows that not only the hardness of the water-oil interface but also the ease of coalescence of oil droplets can be controlled by using ion concentration, which is expected to lead to the development of methods to intentionally increase the stability or instability of oil droplets.

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エネルギー循環型の農園モデル(大学院生・須藤 達也)Sustainable food production model

ビジネスプランの構築からプロトタイプ製作までを、自分たちが主導で取り組むことで、農工大生がアイデアの事業化・実装化に携わる際のロールモデルになれればと考えています。By taking the initiative in building a business plan and creating a prototype, we hope to serve as a role model for TUAT students when they are involved in the commercialization and implementation of their ideas.

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研究室紹介】人工知能等で安全に製品を生産する方法 (Lab)How to safely manufacture products with A.I., etc.


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【研究室紹介】持続可能なエネルギー変換プロセス (Lab Intro.) Sustainable Energy Conversion Processes


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研究室紹介】機能膜の分離技術で省エネルギー化を目指す (Lab Intro.) Separation technology using functional membranes for energy saving


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研究室紹介】排熱を用いた熱駆動冷凍機と太陽エネルギーの集熱デバイス (Lab Intro.)Thermally Driven Chillers Using Waste Heat and Solar Energy Collection Devices


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廃棄物からのリンの高効率回収に向けて Toward High Efficiency Recovery of Phosphorus from Waste (ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.)

得られた知見を基に、付着性をあらかじめ予測する手法や、多様な燃料由来の灰の付着を適切に制御できる技術を開発し、産業界に貢献していくことを目標としています。Based on the knowledge obtained, the goal is to contribute to the industry by developing methods to predict adhesion in advance and technologies to appropriately control the adhesion of ash derived from various fuels.

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非平衡熱力学を駆使した流動界面の効果的な制御法を発見 Discovered: An effective control method of the flow interface utilizing nonequilibrium thermodynamics.

化学種濃度を平衡状態の濃度との差で規格化した非平衡度により液液相分離を伴う流動界面を効果的にコントロールできることを初めて発見しました。It was discovered for the first time that the flow interface with liquid-liquid phase separation can be effectively controlled by the non-equilibrium degree, in which the chemical species concentration is normalized by the difference from the equilibrium concentration.

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