The 21st International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher
“Fluid Displacement in a Partially Miscible System with a 2-D Micromodel”
Shunta Kiuchi(木内 俊汰, Master’s course student), Ryuta X. Suzuki (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan), Manoranjan Mishra (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India), Takahiko Ban (Osaka
University, Japan), Anindityo Patmonoaji, Yuichiro Nagatsu (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
●内 容:地中などの多孔質媒質での流れを可視化できる装置を用いて、かつ、部分混和する液体を用いて、流れを観察し定量化したものです。この研究は、部分混和する流体であるCO2地中貯留や石油の増進回収、それらを組み合わせた技術など、環境分野やエネルギー分野に貢献するものです。This study contributes to environmental and energy-related fields through applications involving partially miscible fluids, such as CO₂ geological storage, enhanced oil recovery, and technologies combining these approaches.