【公募】講師または准教授(女性, 任期無し, 独立研究室)Opening [Women, PI, Tenured] Senior Asst. Prof. or Assoc. Prof. Applied Physics & Chemical Engineering

English follows Japanese

化学物理工学専攻 講師または准教授(女性)公募


募集人員:講師または准教授 1名

着任時期:2025 年 4 月 1 日以降の出来るだけ早い時期


試用期間: 原則3か月間

採用後 5 年目に,採用部局での選考基準を満たすことで講師採用なら准教授,准教授採用なら教授に昇格することができます.なお基準に達しない場合は 6 年目又は 7 年目に再選考を受けます(ライフイベントによる休職等の場合,上位職選考及び再選考の時期を延期可能).上位職の適格基準は採用後 6か月以内に採用部局設置の上位職選考委員会より通知されます.(上位職選考及び再選考の結果により,昇任しないこともあります.)

専門分野 物理工学(応用物理),化学工学,および関連するすべての分野


2025 年 4 月 1 日の時点で,博士の学位を有し,3 年程度以上の研究機関等での勤務経験を有する女性研究者.


勤務形態・待遇 常勤
・2 号年俸制.以下はモデル給与(諸手当を除く)
年俸制 月額基本給397,440円程度(博士課程修了後4年程度の経験年数を有する者の金額。学歴・経験年数による。地域手当を含む額。)業績給(ボーナス)を含めたおおよその年俸額は670万円程度
年俸制 月額基本給461,035円程度(博士課程修了後12年程度の経験年数を有する者の金額。学歴・経験年数による。地域手当を含む額。)業績給(ボーナス)を含めたおおよその年俸額は770万円程度

・勤務形態 裁量労働制(7 時間 45 分/日)
・休日 土曜日、日曜日、祝祭日、5 月 31 日及び 12 月 29 日から 1 月 3 日
・休暇 年次休暇、特別休暇、病気休暇
・諸手当 通勤手当、住居手当、扶養手当(全て、本学で定める支給要件を満たした場合)
・加入保険 労災保険、雇用保険、共済組合、厚生年金保険
・ライフイベント支援 ライフイベントによる休職等の期間は,女性未来育成機構による各種学内支援制度https://web.tuat.ac.jp/~dan-jo/josei/support.htmlが利用可能です.また,女性未来育成機構による助言・サポートが受けることができます.

(1) 履歴書(下記 HP より本学様式をダウンロードして作成してください)
(2) 応募申請書(研究業績リストなど,和文または英文,
https://tuat-chemphys.net/?page_id=4490 から様式をダウンロードしてください)
(3) 主要論文別刷(3 編以内.必ず 1 編は添付してください)
(4) これまでの研究成果の概要(和文または英文,図を含め A4 用紙 2 頁以内)
(5) 本学における研究計画の概要(和文または英文,図を含め A4 用紙 2 頁以内)
(6) 教育に関する抱負(和文,A4 用紙1頁以内)
(7) 可能であれば推薦書(A4,書式自由,署名又は押印のあるもの),推薦書が無い場合は,研究や人物について照会可能な方2名の氏名と連絡先

応募締切 2024年 9月 30 日(月)17 時必着

書類提出: 応募書類一式はPDF ファイルとして下記メールアドレスまで電子メールで提出してください.(最大ファイル容量 20 MB)


〒184-8588 小金井市中町 2-24-16 東京農工大学 工学府 化学物理工学専攻(香取浩子教授)
E-mail: u2025-groups @ go.tuat.ac.jp

1) この取り組みは「雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保等に関する法律」 (昭和 47年法律第 113 号)第 8 条の規定に基づき実施しています.
2) 東京農工大学は、男女共同参画を積極的に推進しています.
3) 東京農工大学女性未来育成機構 HP (https://web.tuat.ac.jp/~dan-jo/josei/)
4) 東京農工大学では、「外国為替及び外国貿易法」に基づき、職員の採用に際し安全保障上の確認を行っており、確認に必要な情報の提供をお願いしています。審査の結果、規制事項に該当する場合は、希望する教育研究の変更を求める場合があります。また経済産業省へ許可申請をした結果、不許可の通知があった場合は内定を取り消すことがあります。

One opening: Senior Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering)

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) has implemented the “Career Design Program for Female Faculty Members” based on our policy of increasing the number of female faculty members to encourage campus diversity and inclusion under the President’s leadership. As part of this program, we invite female applicants for a position as Senior Assistant Professor or associate professor in the Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering.
A female researcher in this position can manage her own research group/lab with startup funds, and other supports for establishing her research environment in consultation with her mentors.
She will be reviewed for promotion (to professor for associate professor, to associate professor for Senior Assistant Professor) after five years of employment. The evaluation for promotion will be based on her achievements in research and education over five years, in accordance with university regulations (this promotion can be postponed).
She will have access to various campus support programs provided by the Women’s Future Development Organization during specific life events.

Job title: Senior Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (1 position)

Starting date: April 1st, 2025, or the earliest possible date thereafter

Status: Full-time (tenured, non-fixed term)

Probation period: 3 months

Term of Employment: Non fixed-term
She will be reviewed in the fifth year and have an opportunity for promotion (to professor for associate professor, to associate professor for senior assistant professor) if her achievements satisfy the criteria. In case she does not meet the criteria, she will be reviewed again during the sixth or seventh year. In case of research interruption due to life events, both the initial promotion review and any subsequent reviews can be postponed. Eligibility criteria for higher positions will be announced by the selection committee within six months of employment. (If she remains ineligible after these opportunities, she will retain the position at the time of hire.)

Specialty: Applied Physics or Chemical Engineering, and related fields
We seek women researchers who are expected to be active in these research areas and their frontiers, with focus on keywords such as energy, environment, advanced materials, or quantum technologies. We welcome candidates who aspire to become future leaders in the field, have a wide range of interests from basic to applied research, and can produce original research related to social activity.

Job Responsibilities
She will be engaged in original research activity, education, and management in the Department of Applied
Physics and Chemical Engineering, depending on her specialty.
Research: The role involves conducting innovative research activities.
Education: Conduct lectures and student experiments in bachelor’s course, and deliver lectures in graduate school. There is a possibility of conducting lectures that are not directly related to the applicant’s specialty.
Management: Perform duties within the Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering.

Doctoral degree as of 1 April 2025 and more than 3 years of working experience in academia or research

Workplace: Koganei Campus, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16, Naka-cho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8588

Pay range, work schedule, benefits:

Annual salary system based on the rules of the University.
Examples: A. Senior Assistant Professor
Annual Salary System: Monthly basic salary of around ¥397,440 (for approximately 4 years post-PhD experience. The amount varies based on educational background and years of experience. This includes the regional allowance.) Approximate annual salary, including performance pay (bonus), is around ¥6.7 million.
Examples: B. Associate Professor
Annual Salary System: Monthly basic salary of around ¥461,035 (for approximately 12 years post-PhD experience. The amount varies based on educational background and years of experience. This includes the regional allowance.) Approximate annual salary, including performance pay (bonus), is around ¥7.7 million.

Working hours: Discretionary labor system (7 hours 45 minutes/day).

Days off: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, May 31, and December 29 to January 3.

Paid leave: Annual paid leave, special leave etc.

Allowances: Commuting allowance, and others as per university policy

Research Support: Startup funds (3,000,000 yen total for 3 years).

Life Event Support: Various internal support systems provided by the Women’s Future Development Organization: https://web.tuat.ac.jp/~dan-jo/josei/support.html

Application documents
(1) Curriculum Vitae (*Please use the template in the following website)
(2) Application Form: Please use the designated application form (Includes the desired position at the time of hire includes List of Publications, etc.) in Japanese or English. Please download the format from https://tuat-chemphys.net/?page_id=4490
(3) Reprints of major papers (up to three; one must be attached)
(4) Overview of previous research results (max. two A4 pages, in Japanese or English, including figures).
(5) Proposed research plan (max. two A4 pages each, in Japanese or English, including figures).
(6) Educational aspirations (max. one page of A4 paper, in Japanese or English)
(7) If possible, submit either a signed letter of recommendation (A4, free format) or the contact information for two professional references familiar with your research and character.

Application deadline: 5:00 PM, Monday, September 30, 2024.

Method: Email all documents as PDF files (max. 20 MB) to u2025-groups @ go.tuat.ac.jp
Selection Process: Selection will be based on submitted documents and an interview. There is a possibility that the applicant will have a face-to-face interview and give a seminar, etc., after the initial selection based on application documents.
Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering (Prof. Hiroko Katori)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
E-mail: u2025-groups @ go.tuat.ac.jp
(You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive it)

1) This recruitment initiative is conducted in accordance with Article 8 of the “Act on Securing Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment” (Act No. 113 of 1972).
2) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology strongly supports and actively implements policies for gender equality and shared participation.
3) For further information of TUAT Women’s Future Development Organization: https://web.tuat.ac.jp/~dan-jo/josei
4) Based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, TUAT conducts security checks when hiring new staff. We, therefore, ask you to provide information necessary for the security check. As a result of reviewing the information, if the applicant falls under any regulatory requirements, we may ask you to change the scope of your desired education and research. Additionally, if the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry disapproves TUAT’s request to approve your acceptance, our offer to you may be cancelled.

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