単一コロイド量子ドットで電気伝導の評価と制御 Single Quantum Dot Breakthrough: Electrical Conduction Achieved (Nature Commun., 2023)

単一コロイド量子ドットで電気伝導の評価と制御に成功 ~「人工原子」デバイスの応用に前進 ~

◆ 従来、困難だったコロイド量子ドット1個の電気伝導の評価と制御に成功
◆ 1個の半導体コロイド量子ドットを用いた単一電子トランジスタで室温動作を実現
◆ コロイド量子ドットの光電デバイスや量子情報デバイスへの応用に大きく前進

 サトリア・ビスリ 准教授は、東北工業大学、東京大学、東北大学、理化学研究所の研究者らと共同で、半導体コロイド量子ドット1つを用いた単一電子トランジスタ(Single-Electron Transistor: SET)を作製し、従来困難だったコロイド量子ドット1個の電気伝導の詳細な評価を行うとともに、SETの室温動作も実現しました。本研究成果は、半導体コロイド量子ドットの光電デバイスへの応用に寄与するだけでなく、新たな量子情報デバイスへの応用にも道を拓くものです。
 成果論文は英国科学誌「Nature Communications」に11月18日付で掲載されました。



Single-Colloidal Quantum Dots Demonstrated to Be Electrically Conducting and Controllable ~ Progress in the Application of “Artificial Atom” Devices ~

A research paper was published in Nature Communications in November 2023.

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from Tohoku University, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Dr. Satria S. Bisri), and the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, demonstrated that it is possible to evaluate and control the electrical conduction of a single colloidal quantum dot.

Colloidal quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles. They have been studied for their potential applications in a variety of fields, including photovoltaics, lasers, and quantum information devices.

The researchers in this study used a technique called scanning tunneling microscopy to create a single-electron transistor (SET) with a single colloidal quantum dot at the junction between two metal electrodes. They then used the SET to measure the electrical current flowing through the quantum dot.

The researchers found that the electrical current through the quantum dot was quantized, meaning that it could only take on discrete values. This is a characteristic of quantum-mechanical systems, and it suggests that colloidal quantum dots can be used to create devices that operate according to the laws of quantum mechanics.

The researchers’ work is a significant step forward in the development of colloidal quantum dot devices. It opens up the possibility of using colloidal quantum dots in a variety of new applications, including quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communication.




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