One-step fabrication of soot particle–embedded fibrous membranes for solar distillation using candle burning–assisted electrospinning ろうそくの煤粒子を電界紡糸繊維に埋め込んだ、太陽熱を活用した水蒸気発生材料のプロセス開発
Journal Publication: Tiara N. Pratiwi, Masao Gen, Wuled Lenggoro https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apt.2023.104190
- Soot particles embedded in polymer membranes by burning candles.ロウソクを燃やしながら高分子繊維に埋め込まれたすす微粒子
- Solar distillation membranes fabricated in a single step. ワンステップ工程で製造された太陽熱型蒸留膜
- Position of soot particles did not affect photothermal conversion.すす粒子の位置は光熱変換に影響しなかった
- A significant increase in efficiency in solar thermal conversion: Heat localization enhancement of 194.5% achieved. 194.5%の熱局在増強を達成
- High rates of water evaporation and desalination under 1-sun. 太陽定数のエネルギー下での高い水分蒸発率と淡水化率 「1 sun = 太陽定数の平均値、1平方メートルあたり約1,366ワット」

この研究では、新規な方法として、すす(煤)エアロゾル(炭素系粒子)を高分子繊維膜に埋め込む方法を提案する。すすエアロゾルは、ろうそくを燃焼させることで生成し、高分子材料の静電紡糸と同時に膜に埋め込む。この方法は、高分子繊維の内部または外部に、さまざまな粒子位置の膜を数種類生成することができる。粒子位置は、ポリマー(液)ジェットを使用して粒子導入点を変えることで調整される。数百ナノメートルの径のポリマー繊維が製造された。実験の結果、すす粒子位置は膜の光熱変換性能に影響しなかった。製造された膜は、1 sun太陽光照射下で、熱局在を最大194.5%向上させ、水蒸留率と淡水化率はそれぞれ1.60 kg m−2 h−1と1.55 kg m−2 h−1に達した。
Solar distillation, a promising technique for water purification and desalination, requires photothermal materials to efficiently convert solar energy into heat. In this study, a novel method is proposed wherein fresh carbonaceous (soot) particles, as a photothermal material, are embedded into electrospun fibrous membranes by burning candles (to produce soot) and electrospinning of polymer material simultaneously. The proposed method can produce several types of membranes with various particle positions (interior or exterior) in the polymer fiber. The particle positions were adjusted by changing the introduction points of particles using a polymer jet. Polymer fibers with diameters of several hundred nanometers were fabricated. Experiments revealed that the soot particle position did not influence the photothermal conversion performance of the membranes. The fabricated membrane could improve the heat localization up to 194.5% and exhibited water distillation and desalination rates as high as 1.60 and 1.55 kg m−2h−1, respectively, under 1-sun solar light irradiation. The proposed method opens a new route for the functionalization of polymer membranes.