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小金井キャンパス 2022年11月13日(日) 13:00受付開始
14:20~14:50 教員による講演
■講演者:工学研究院電気電子部門/工学部化学物理工学科 清水 大雅 教授
■揮発性有機化合物を検出するセンサの開発と食エネ分野への応用 Development of a Sensor to Detect Volatile Organic Compounds and Its Application to the Field of Energy and Food
This lecture will discuss the development of sensors that can detect volatile organic compounds, which are the basis of odors, with high sensitivity in real time. This section introduces the motivation for sensor development, the process of trial and error, the process of evaluation, and the efforts of students. Sensor development requires knowledge from many fields, and the research activities and episodes so far will be discussed. In a “with post-corona” society, securing a stable supply of food and energy, which are the foundation of daily life, has become an urgent issue. In this lecture, the application of the engineering field of sensor development to the agricultural field is introduced.