“The deposition of submicron fluorescent aerosol particles by a closed-loop flow system” 閉ループ式エアロゾル流によるサブミクロン蛍光粒子の沈着 doi.org/10.11203/jar.33.102
Ferry Faizal (元大学院D生), Suryani Saallah (元大学院D生), Azusa Takagi (元大学院M生), W. Lenggoro (レンゴロ教授)
学会誌「エアロゾル研究」の32巻2号から35巻1号までに発表された英文の研究論文・技術論文において特に優れ、学会のグローバル化への貢献が期待される論文の著者に授与される。The “Kanji Takahashi Award” is awarded to the author of an outstanding paper in English published in the journal “Aerosol Research” between Vol. 32, No. 2 and Vol. 35, No. 1.

An aerosol flow system has been constructed to mimic the delivery of particles to the air-liquid interface. A colloidal suspension of submicron fluorescent core-shell silica-based particles was synthesized and sprayed by an ultrasonic nebulizer. The dynamics of the aerosol settling was investigated by numerical simulation to determine the carrier gas flow rate, which was further verified through experimentation.
The method presented here may potentially be applied for the deposition and analysis of submicron particles on various types of substrate (i.e. air-liquid interface) without the need for vacuum imaging analysis (e.g. electron microscopy).