(高効率生産システム)新規カスケード型結晶化装置の開発 Development of a Cascade type Crystallizer (High-efficiency production system) 文責: 学部2年生M.R.




A continuous crystallization process has been attracting attention. Prof. Takiyama’s research group designed a novel continuous crystallization process in a cascading manner. The novel continuous crystallizer includes the Couette-Taylor flow device and MSMRP (Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal) system.

The research group investigated the method to improve the quality of crystals. They found that the quality of crystals depends on the flow-rate ratio of the feed solution supplied to the Couette-Taylor flow device. 

It is expected that the continuous crystallization process can obtain crystalline products of various qualities meeting the requirements.

文責: 化学物理工学科2年生M.R.


Couette-Taylor flow クエット-テイラー流: 2つの同心円柱の一方または両方が回転したときに、2つの同心円柱の間の環状空間内の流体の流れ。The flow of a fluid within the annular space between two concentric cylinders when one or both of the cylinders rotate. クエット-テイラー流反応装置(Couette-Taylor-Flow-Reactor)もある。参考動画: 連続晶析装置-YouTube

MSMPR:完全混合槽型連続晶析 (Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal)。 晶析装置が定常状態にあるとして,製品結晶粒子径を推算するモデルのひとつ。槽内の液と製品(液)が同じ濃度および結晶粒子径分布を持つ。One of the models to estimate the product crystal particle size assuming that the crystallizer is in steady state. The liquid in the tank and the product liquid have the same concentration and crystal particle size distribution.

Takiyama Research Group


Development of novel cascade type crystallizer for continuous production of crystalline particles (結晶粒子の連続生産のための新しいカスケード型晶析装置の開発) Mana Koyama, Shoji Kudo, Shuntaro Amari, Hiroshi Takiyama: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (2020) doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2020.06.021

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