Name: 安田 瑠奈 Runa Yasuda
Advisor: Atsushi Hatakeyama 畠山 温
Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 15:00–16:30, Lecture Hall L0031 講義棟
題目:原子全スピンの偏極度測定方法と微小トルク検出用ねじり振り子の開発 ー気体から固体へのスピン移行で生じる古典回転の観測に向けてーDevelopment of a polarization measurement method for atomic total spin angular momentum and a torsion pendulum for detecting atto-Nm torques: Toward the observation of classical rotation induced by spin transfer from gaseous atoms to a solid
Summary: 気体から固体への界面を通じたスピン移行現象の探索のため、気体原子スピン角運動量の評価方法と固体に生じるトルクの精密測定用ねじり秤の開発を行った。To explore the phenomenon of spin transfer across the gas-solid interface, a method for evaluating the spin angular momentum of gaseous atoms and the development of a torsion balance for precise measurement of torques in solids were conducted.
Runa Yasuda and Atsushi Hatakeyama, “Characterization of a double torsion pendulum used to detect spin-induced torque based on Beth’s experiment,” Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 105108 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0056706 or author-prepared version: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2105.06181
and others.