化学工学会賞 The Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan Award ( 神谷秀博 ) Dr. Hidehiro Kamiya

池田亀三郎記念賞 Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan Award. 微粒子,ナノ粒子の界面構造設計による粒子間相互作用の制御 Controlling particle-particle interactions by designing the interfacial structure of fine particles and nanoparticles.


Nov.15. Guest Seminar “Understanding particle interactions for advanced material applications” 先端材料応用のための粒子相互作用の理解 Prof. W. Peukert (Germany)

We review the current understanding of particle interactions and discuss approaches for better and in-depth understanding of the underlying principles. 粒子間相互作用の現在の理解をレビュ

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Doctoral Presentation 公聴会 (2/16) 多形性と磁性に対する非磁性イオン置換効果. Substitution effects of nonmagnetic ions on polymorphism & magnetism

多形物質における結晶構造相の安定条件に磁性イオンが及ぼす影響とその磁性に着目し、Fe2GeO5の磁性イオンFe3+の一部を非磁性イオンAl3+で置換したAlxFe2-xGeFocusing on the effect of magnetic ions on the stability conditions of crystal structure phases in polymorphic materials and their magnetism, the synthesis and magnetic properties of AlxFe2-xGeO5, in which the magnetic ion Fe3+ in Fe2GeO5 is partially replaced by the nonmagnetic ion Al3+, were investigated.O5の合成及び磁性解明を行った。
